



5 Benefits of Breast Implant Removal

Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that can help enhance the appearance of the breasts and boost self-confidence. However, over time, many women may choose to have their breast implants removed for various reasons. Whether it’s due to changes in personal preferences, health concerns, or complications related to the implants, breast implant removal can be a valuable option for many women.

In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits of breast implant removal and why it’s a valuable option for many women. 5 common benefits of breast implant removal are improved breast health, reduced risk of BIA-ALCL, natural-looking results, increased self-confidence, and alleviation of breast implant illness symptoms. We will also introduce you to one of the leading breast explant surgeons in Southern California, Dr. Tim Sayed, and the specialized “en bloc” breast implant removal technique he performs. This advanced surgical method is performed by plastic surgeons for a number of potential reasons.

Why Should I Have my Breast Implants Removed?

Some reasons why a woman may choose to have her breast implants removed include:

  • No longer wanting the implants
  • Experience of complications from the implants, such as infection, rupture, or capsular contracture
  • A desire for a more natural and symmetrical appearance of the breasts
  • Address stretched or distorted breast tissue caused by the implants
  • Relief from pain or discomfort caused by the implant
  • Enhanced self-esteem and body image
  • Improved ability to monitor breast health
  • To avoid future complications that may arise with the implant
  • Change in personal preference or lifestyle that can affect the desirability of the implants
  • Hormonal imbalances or changes in the body

What are 5 Top Benefits of Breast Implant Removal?

1. Improved Breast Health:

Breast implant removal can improve overall breast health. Over time, implants can lead to complications such as breast pain, infection, and hardening of the breast tissue (capsular contracture). Capsular contracture is a condition in which the tissue around the implant tightens and hardens, leading to discomfort, changes in the shape and feel of the breast, and in severe cases, even deformation. Breast pain can also be a symptom of capsular contracture or other implant-related complications.

Removing the implants can potentially alleviate these symptoms and improve the overall health of the breast. Additionally, by removing the implants, you may be able to monitor and detect any potential changes in your breast tissue, which can be early indicators of other breast health issues, more easily. As explained in the following points, breast implant removal can also help reduce the risk of BIA-ALCL and breast implant illness (BII).

2. Reduced Risk of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL):

BIA-ALCL is a rare type of lymphoma that is associated with certain breast implants, specifically with textured Biocell (Allergan brand) breast implants. It is a malignancy that develops in the fluid and tissue surrounding the implant. While it is important to note that the risk of developing BIA-ALCL is very low, removal of implants can essentially eliminate the risk. Many women with Allergan textured implants seek prophylactic removal of the implants and capsules, since ALCL may not present with symptoms until full-blown malignancy is present.

It is also recommended that in case of any breast implant-related symptoms such as lumps, swelling, pain or redness, it is essential to seek medical attention and your surgeon for evaluation. In such cases, if it is determined that the implant has to be removed, your explant surgeon can help you with the en bloc breast implant removal technique, which completely removes the capsular tissue around the implant along with the device, or may recommend a different approach depending on your presentation.

3. Natural Looking Results:

Breast implant removal can restore the breasts to their natural shape and size. This can be especially beneficial for patients who are no longer happy with the look of their implants, whether it be the size, shape, or feel, or who have experienced complications such as rippling, asymmetry, or capsular contracture. For some patients, the natural volume may be enough to make for a pleasing breast mound. Other patients may have very limited natural breast tissue volume, which means expectations for cosmetic outcome must be set properly.

Additionally, with the en bloc technique, a leading explant surgeon like Dr. Sayed can ensure that the integrity of the normal breast tissue is preserved, minimizing the chances of complications. In some cases, if desired, and based on the patient’s anatomy, the patient may opt for a breast lift or other breast reshaping procedure in order to achieve a more perky, rounder and more youthful look.

4. Increased Self-Confidence:

Breast implant removal can have emotional and psychological benefits. Some patients may experience depression or anxiety related to their breast implants, and the removal of the implants can help alleviate those feelings. Removing breast implants can also lead to increased self-confidence. This can be especially true for patients who are no longer happy with the look of their implants or who have experienced complications with them.

Many women who have had breast implant surgery may have had them for various reasons, whether it be for cosmetic or reconstructive reasons, and over time, their preferences or circumstances may change. A more natural look and feel can help patients feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin. There is empowerment in not defining one’s beauty or femininity by the size of one’s breasts.

5. Alleviation of Breast Implant Illness Symptoms

Some patients report experiencing symptoms of “Breast Implant Illness,” a condition that can include a wide range of symptoms such as joint pain, fatigue, vision changes, anxiety, and gastrointestinal issues. While there is currently limited scientific evidence linking these symptoms to breast implants, a small percentage of patients report experiencing debilitating symptoms, and many experience improvement when their implants are removed. The reasons for this are being actively studied but there is some controversy about this subject in the plastic surgery industry.

In March 2019, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) met to discuss concerns regarding breast implant illness, textured implants, and other considerations. The FDA advised the continued monitoring of approved implant devices. However, it is understood that breast implants are foreign bodies, and it is possible that a small percentage of patients do not react well to them. En bloc capsulectomy with explantation of the implants is an option to help patients with these concerns move forward in their lives.

What Happens After Breast Implant Removal?

After breast implant removal, it’s common for the breasts to undergo changes in shape and volume. Without the implants, the breast tissue may shrink, and the breast may appear smaller. It’s also possible that changes in the breasts due to aging and stretch marks caused by the previous implants may cause the breasts to sag more. Recovery after breast implant removal typically takes longer than recovery after a regular breast augmentation.

How Long Does It Take to Recover after Removing Breast Implants?

You can expect to take an additional week of rest before returning to light fitness activities, and it is recommended that you avoid social activities and refrain from driving for at least 10 days or until you no longer need to take prescription medication. You will also be asked to wear a surgical bra for several weeks to help support and protect the breasts during the healing process. This all will help to improve the healing process and reduce the risk of complications.

Choosing Dr. Tim Sayed for En Bloc Breast Implant Removal

When considering breast implant removal, it’s crucial to find a plastic surgeon who specializes in the safest techniques available. The en bloc breast implant removal method is one such technique that’s known for its high margin of safety and effectiveness. This method not only removes the implant but also the surrounding capsule of scar tissue, creating a new, healthier pocket for a future implant.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Sayed is a specialist in breast surgery and has extensive experience in performing en bloc breast implant removal. If you’re considering breast implant removal and want the safest technique possible, consider scheduling a consultation at Tim Sayed MD Plastic Surgery. Dr. Sayed can help you determine whether the en bloc breast implant removal method is the right choice for you and explain the risks and benefits of the procedure.