



Can Exercising After Mommy Makeover Affect Your Results?

Pregnancy, giving birth, nursing, and then raising a child is one of, if not the most, significant events in anybody’s life. 

It’s an emotional, fascinating, scary, adventurous experience, and it takes its toll on the mind and body.

Many new mothers are understandably concerned about childbearing’s effects on their bodies. Mothers experience weight gain, stretched abdominal skin and muscle walls, less firm and shapely breasts, and aesthetic changes to the vagina and other body parts.

Fortunately, modern plastic surgery offers a solution to these concerns with a mommy makeover.

Here, Dr. Tim Sayed discusses the mommy makeover and how exercise can affect the results.  

What Is a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is a series of several procedures to help mothers restore their pre-pregnancy physiques. These may be done at the same time or in stages depending on the patient and other factors.

Childbearing has a significant impact on a mother’s physique, much of which is impossible to reverse, regardless of how much exercise or healthy eating one does.

By and large, the procedures most mothers choose in a mommy makeover include:

The exact combination of procedures depends exclusively on the patient, with some selecting one or two procedures and others going for all of them.

How Does Exercise Affect Mommy Makeover Results?

The essential thing to remember when undergoing any procedure involved in a mommy makeover is that these are surgical procedures. While the procedures provide highly desirable and satisfactory results, they are invasive procedures, and the body needs plenty of time to recover.

Exercise undertaken too soon after any mommy makeover procedure will have a negative impact on the healing process and on the results from the procedure. This may include wound separation, bleeding, infection, delayed return of function, and other issues.

If the patient thoroughly follows Dr. Sayed’s instructions, rests sufficiently during recovery, and only starts exercising once the body is ready, exercise will significantly enhance the results of a mommy makeover by firming muscle tone and keeping weight well maintained.

Exercising helps burns calories, keeping fatty tissue to a minimum. It also creates muscle definition and contour, which are highly desirable aesthetic characteristics that enhance the outcome of the mommy makeover procedure. Exercise is also good for the mind, keeping mothers motivated and positive.

Mommy Makeover in Newport Beach, CA

In summary, exercise can dramatically enhance the results of a mommy makeover, but only once the patient is fully recovered from their mommy makeover procedures.

Because of this, it’s essential to consult with industry-leading expert surgeons, such as Dr. Tim Sayed, to get the best after-treatment care and advice and the best standards of procedure.

Reach out to Dr. Sayed in Newport Beach or La Jolla, CA, on (858) 247-2933 or via this online form to arrange a quick virtual consultation to discover how we can help you look and feel your best.