



How to Evaluate an En Bloc Breast Implant Removal Surgeon


When a breast implant is placed into the breast, the body creates a capsule of scar tissue around it. Much of the time, this capsule will remain soft and malleable. If your implant ruptures, the capsule can hold the leakage in place, keeping it from escaping into the body.  This capsule is a good thing and helps protect your body and your implants. Capsules form anytime a foreign object is placed into the body; it is a natural form of protection your body uses to stay safe. 

Sometimes, the capsule will contract or harden, a condition known as capsular contracture. When this occurs, the breast may feel harder or the implant may become distorted. Capsular contracture can be uncomfortable. To treat it, we perform a procedure called en bloc breast implant removal. The implant and its surrounding capsule are removed together, with the capsule remaining intact. After the implant and capsule are removed, we can replace your breast implant with a new one. En bloc removal offers benefits when an implant has leaked or ruptured too, as it can help contain the leakage and protect the body.

Does Your Surgeon Have the Qualifications?

En bloc removal is a complex procedure, one that many surgeons don’t have the skill set to perform well. En bloc means as a whole, and in this specialized type of implant removal, the implant and capsule are removed in one unit. 

We like to think of the capsule surrounding your implant as a balloon. It is made of scar tissue, but it is delicate and easy to open. This scar-tissue balloon must be carefully separated from your breast tissues and removed through the inframammary incision created for the procedure. This precise dissection is a skill that must be honed through practice and training. If the capsule is opened, the biofilm, implant leakage, or bacteria can seep into the breast, potentially causing complications. 

Removal is often only the first step. If you’re hoping to remove and replace your implants, you’ll need a surgeon skilled in breast augmentation. If you’re not planning to replace your breast implants, you’ll need a surgeon that can carefully reconstruct your breast shape so it doesn’t look saggy or deflated. 

Look for these qualifications when choosing a surgeon for your procedure:

  • Specializes in breast surgery
  • Performs en bloc removal often
  • Board-certified plastic surgeon
  • Known for their precision and attention to detail

Dr. Sayed meets these qualifications and more. If you’re in the San Diego area, come in for a consultation to discuss your breast implant removal in more detail.

Do I Need En Bloc Breast Implant Removal?

En bloc implant removal isn’t always needed, but it can be beneficial to many patients, especially those experiencing complications with their breast implants. Removing the whole capsule keeps fluids, leaks, and biofilm contained, reducing the risk of future complications when new implants are placed. 

En bloc removal is recommended if:

  • You have capsular contracture
  • Your implant has a leak or rupture
  • You want to change your implant type or size
  • Your breast implants were placed many years ago
  • You want to remove and not replace your breast implants
  • You have implant rippling or distortion
  • You’re experiencing health complications that require breast implant removal

If you’re considering en bloc breast implant removal in San Diego, come in for a consultation with Dr. Tim Sayed. Contact our office at 1-858-24SAYED to schedule your consultation or learn more.