



How Working From Home Is Fueling a Desire for Facial Plastic Surgery


Since the onset of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, roughly 45% of the U.S. workforce now work from home, either permanently or some of the time.

While this has led to gleeful social media stories about getting work done in PJs and not needing to worry about makeup, statistics show a clearly different tale, with facial plastic surgery numbers spiking during the pandemic.

Here, Dr. Sayed discusses the reasons contributing to this phenomenon and explains why more people than ever are opting for facial plastic surgery.


One of the most obvious reasons for people seeking plastic surgery is the amount of time they’ve been spending looking at themselves on camera.

Before the pandemic, when going to work, people would spend perhaps 15-20 minutes routinely applying their makeup while looking in a mirror, then have a few glances at a mirror during bathroom breaks to make sure everything was still in place.

Now, given work-from-home meetings, people are looking at themselves in real-time and from all angles. They see how they look when they interact normally, which can lead people to notice flaws or unwanted physical characteristics they hadn’t noticed before.

As a result, people have been getting facelifts, brow lifts, and neck lifts to rectify the issues they notice on camera.

No Need for Time Off

Facial plastic surgeries require several days of downtime before patients were able to return to the office. With work-from-home, this is no longer a barrier preventing people from getting the procedures they might have been already wanting for some time.

Patients can comfortably recover from their homes while getting all their work done and not worrying about the need to stay away from the office.

Look Into My Eyes!

While regulations regarding the wearing of masks in crowds and public spaces are relaxing for vaccinated individuals, having half our faces covered in public for the past two years has made people focus more heavily on the eyes and the forehead.

For this reason, we’ve seen more people seeking eyelid surgery and dermal fillers around the eyes, purely because these areas of the face are receiving more attention than they perhaps once did.

It’s Been a Stressful Couple of Years

It’s no secret that one of the keys to looking young is enjoying a relaxing, stress-free life. For most of us, these last two years have been anything but!

Stressing puts strain on your facial muscles, skin, and tissue, making them tight and rigid, contributing to fine lines and wrinkles. Combine this with constantly looking at oneself on a screen, and it’s no surprise people are looking for procedures that help reverse these effects, particularly lip enhancement or a liquid facelift.

Facial Plastic Surgery in Newport Beach, CA

2020, 2021, and now 2022 have seen unprecedented times for humanity.

Switching to a work-from-home model has changed the way we live, our daily lives, and how we see ourselves. Accordingly, people are now seeking to look and feel their best, given the circumstances.

Reach out to Dr. Tim Sayed in Newport Beach or La Jolla, CA, by calling (858) 247-2933 or via this online form to arrange a quick virtual consultation to discover how we can help you look and feel your best.