As the ball dropped on Dec. 31, millions of people around the world resolved to get fit and trim by the end of 2020. However, only a select few will see real results come 2021. The vast majority of people, no matter what kind of resolution they made (financial, educational, or physical), will give up within the first few months of the year.
Even if you do stay committed to regular exercise and a healthy diet, often, that won’t be enough to see the results you want. Fat is stubborn and incredibly hard to target on your own, especially in trouble areas like the thighs, back, abdomen, and love handles. So, what can you do to make your dream body a reality this year? We can help. With cutting-edge technology in the hands of Dr. Sayed, an expert board-certified surgeon, 2020 could be the year you look your best yet.
One of the most powerful tools we have to support your fitness, diet, and exercise goals is liposuction. This hugely popular procedure is the second most commonly completed cosmetic surgery (behind breast augmentation) in the world and for good reason. Dr. Sayed can precisely target pockets of unwanted fat and get rid of them in a single visit to our office. Don’t get stuck waiting on results to show up – make them a reality this year.
Why Resolutions Don’t Stick
What makes resolutions so hard to keep up with? The answer, according to Psychology Today, lies in behavioral science and our genetic code. A process called homeostasis governs humans. In short, when we expend energy, we need to rest to regain it. This process regulates everything from hunger to emotional investment, and most certainly, sticking to our goals.
Resolutions – which often don’t offer any instant gratification and usually involve changing habits – are especially exhausting. It makes perfect sense, then, that after even a few weeks of maintaining your new lifestyle, you’ll reach a point where you either fully commit, quit, or adjust your goals.
How can we help you prepare for that moment? Our entire team is here to help. We take on a personalized, holistic approach with each patient and love to become part of our clients’ support networks. For those who want trimmer bodies, body-sculpting procedures like liposuction can be an excellent way for us to help kickstart your fitness journey. You’ll see an immediate reduction in fat volume, and begin to look and feel your very best.
Liposuction is a commitment to the life you want to live. Once you’ve booked and completed your procedure, it will be all that much easier to motivate yourself to get and keep a body you love, rather than working toward slimming down in a body that lowers your confidence and may not even feel like you.
Liposuction’s Groundbreaking Technology: A Perfect Add-On to Diet and Exercise
Lipo has become the cornerstone of almost every common body contouring procedure, like Brazilian butt lifting, hi-def abdominal liposculpture, and cosmetic and reconstructive fat grafting. Though it’s not a weight-loss surgery, liposuction can help you get rid of those last pockets of fat that don’t want to go away.
During the procedure, Dr. Sayed removes fat first by placing a cocktail of fluid medication into the fatty layer of the body. Alongside saline solution, these medications prep the tissue for safe and easy removal, lowering bleeding risk and providing anesthetic to reduce postop discomfort. Some patients may also require the use of devices like ultrasound (we like the Vaser brand) or lasers, which use targeted energy to help break up your fat cells and tighten the skin for a smoother result.
Liposuction is incredibly versatile, enabling Dr. Sayed to perform it in combination with cosmetic surgery in other areas of the body, including the face, breast, and alongside faelifts, tummy tucks, breast lifts, and breast augmentation, breast reductions, Brachioplasties (arm lifts), thigh lifts, and other procedures.
Want to Learn More? Schedule a Consultation
It’s hard enough trying to commit to your resolution alone. This year, let us help you make your goals reality. Our expert team is here to provide the tools and support you’ll need to make 2020 your year.
If you think now’s the time to get the body you’ve been dreaming of, liposuction could be the perfect option.
To schedule a consultation at our San Diego or Newport Beach, CA, offices, give us a call at 858-24-SAYED, or conta us online today.